Monday, March 31, 2008

It's God Damn Hailing

I'm dieing to go out and do stuff, but this freakish weather just wont go away. Reports had it snowing today in Seattle during our season opener. Didn't last long to delay the game though. Speaking of Mariners, this is the year. We're going all the way Baby.

Friday, March 28, 2008

It's God Damn Snowing

It's almost April and it's 38 degrees outside and snowing. Someone get me outta this damn place. We better have the best summer this year to make up for all this nonsense. We're supposed to have snow/rain mix through the weekend. Then we have sunny skies and 50s next week.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

21 Weeks

Got a little of a scare last week. Doctors said that Ivy could possibly have pregnancy induced hypertension or pre-eclampsia. If left alone, it could cause a lot of problems. But if carefully followed and treated it shouldn't be an issue. It's a situation where the blood vessels are constricted causing high blood pressure and possibly decreased blood flow to the fetus. So she is taking baby aspirin to thin her blood and protein powder to increase her protein intake so more get's into the fetus.

Otherwise, the baby looks pretty good. Ivy's actually able to feel it moving now. Ivy says she's pretty active and actually felt her hiccuping one morning. I've got some 3D pictures from the u/s but too lazy to scan them. I'll put it up soon.


Every night, Rocky can't wait till we eat fruit after dinner as he always get to eat some. Lily tempted him to jump on the table, but he was a good boy. In the end he got his fruit.