Took Hiram out to the Columbia Tower Club for dinner and drinks. It's a nice place to just relax, take in the views and have really good and cheap happy hour food. They have a signature kobe beef burger that is always just right. Neil got to celebrate his belated birthday as well.
Had another fabulous dinner at Teri/Terry's house on Sat. Uncle Stanley was in town and brought over a 14 pound prime rib that Terry of course cooked to perfection. Did get to meet Joe's new girlfriend, Suzanne. She's very nice. Sorry, forgot to bring my camera so no pics. She was talking about doing marathons and triathlons with Joe so it looks like those 2 will either have a lot of fun, or a lot of injuries. I'm getting old and sedentary, so I don't do silly things like that anymore.
On a totally different subject, here's a video of my dog Rocky playing with a watermelon.
Just got back form my relaxing trip to Hawaii. I just love going back as a tourist and do all the things that I never do while I lived there.
It's been a ritual now that the first place I go to upon landing is Mariposa in Neiman Marcus for their yummy pop over bread, papaya butter and lava flow smoothie.
Here's a view from my hotel room. We left the door open every night and slept to the sounds of the ocean.
Here we are at Hanauma Bay. This is Ivy's favorite beach. Not as many fishes as before, but still a lot to see.
So these ducks kept following us. They're cute as hell. If we moved they moved. If we stopped, they stopped.
Me and the silly in-laws. This was a very expensive shave ice for Alex. He left his camera behind. By the time we figured it out at Dole Plantation and returned, it was already snatched. Not sure if it was the tourist or the suspect looking locals working there.
This pic is for all the people that went with me to North Shore last year but didn't see the turtles. We arrived at Chun's Reef at 10:30 and this one was already on it's way back to the ocean. We went back at 3pm and there was another one. As you can see on their backs, they have transmitters on them now because some of the turtles have been found trapped and dead in fishing nets. Now they are being monitored daily. Today, there are 20 that are labeled L1-L20
Make that 21. This lucky turtle is still free, he hasn't been caught yet, no transmitter on his back.
Here's a video of the first turtle heading back into the ocean. So glad I was able to get this on video.
Diamond Head hike, almost there.
Enjoying the veiw from the top.
On our way to Manoa Falls. If you haven't been there, it's worth doing. Not so much for the waterfall, which isn't all that spectcular. It's more for the beautiful forest that you go through to get there. The pond at the bottom has shrunk due to a large rock slide in '02. So now, the falls itself is roped off and you're not even allowed to wade in the water.
This is Kimo. His cage is right next to the valet desk. Loves to say hello and aloha.