There are never any guarantees on a whale tour. But, luckily for us, we were able to see Dall porpoises, Orcas, bald eagles and sea lions. The guides were really wonderful and knowlegable about the whales. Turns out there are 3 resident pods that live here in Puget Sound, pods J,K and L. Fortunately, J pod was still in the area. Orcas as we were told, are very family oriented and everyone in the pod follows one leader, the eldest female or better known as grandma. In the J pod, the eldest female is 96 years old and still ticking. One of grandma's daugher gave birth recently and we were lucky enough to watch mom and child swim together.
These are Dall porpoises. They love swimming along boats as they go by. As I'm filming, the boat is still moving, so these guys are swimming pretty fast right along us.
This orca is named Micheal and part of the J pod. There's about 27 whales in that pod all following grandma and within 10 miles of each other.
Here are pics of mom and child taken by the tour guide.

This is Micheal doing what's called a "breach". Apparently Orca's don't do this very often, but will come out of the water whenever something catches their attention.
Misc Pics
Dinner at Backdoor Kitchen
1 comment:
This was a good post. Now I know about whales. Happy 3rd anniversary.
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