I know they say we should wait at least 3 months before getting too excited. But it's close enough. Yes, we are going to be proud parents this summer. Estimated due date is July 21st. We still have a couple more months to go before we will know the sex of the baby.
Last week we went in for our first doctors appointment and was able to hear the baby's heart beat at 9 weeks. At this size, it's beating at 180 beats per minute. It'll slow down once the baby get's bigger. This past Wed we did our first ultrasound that you see here. Right now the baby is about the size of an apple. Believe it or not, it's moving around quite a bit.
Although we are ecstatic about the baby, it is taking it's toll on Ivy. Her morning sickness is pretty bad. She get's nauseous very easily and throws up frequently. Hopefully, this will all go away after the 3rd month.
Keep posted to my blog as I update the progress of my little mini me.
Congratulations!!! Lynne and I will start looking for some baby A's clothes for you.
hahaha...so you finally did it! :)
Thanks!! Now let's see if the fung shui master is right. He said i'll have a boy.
Congratulations! Take care of Ivy.
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